read Acts 24
Feb 8
read Romans 5
read Romans 5:1 Day 121 of Bible Verse a Day
read Exodus 14
Feb 7
read Exodus 14:13 Day 120 of Bible Verse a Day
read Acts 23
Feb 6
read Acts 23 Day 44 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Acts 22
read Acts 22 Day 44 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Acts 21
read Acts 21 Day 43 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Acts 20 Day 43 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Acts 20
read Philippians 3
read Philippians 3:7-9 Day 119 of Bible Verse a Day
read 2 Corinthians 4
Feb 5
read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Day 118 of Bible Verse a Day
read Acts 19
Feb 4
read Acts 19 Day 43 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Acts 18