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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg's Notes

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Acts 27:1 NLT

How to handle the heat: 1) See it coming so you never end up running. 2) See it through, coz you have no idea what God's gonna do 3) Shake it off so you can keep on yelling bring it on! Expand

May 22

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Matthew 8:23 NLT

1) Follow - who you follow will determine your fear. Fear can change your course. 2) Focus - fear can make you sink. Shift your focus and you will shift you fear. 3) Faith - is believing during the storm. Seek your savior during the storm. 4) Family - we are all sons and daughters of the most high King. Expand

Mar 25

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Matthew 12:35 NLT

1: it's your spirit that keeps you strong (prov 18:14). 2: being a Christian gives you an overcoming spirit (1 cor 6:17). 3: God reveals things to us through His spirit (1 cor 2:9-11). 4: the natural man is unable to receive from the spirit of God (1 cor 2:14). 5: an overcoming spirit is able to be led (prov 16:32). Expand

Dec 6

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Matthew 6:22 NLT

What you see determines your life. Gen 19:17 Gen 3:6 Gen 15:5 Jos 6:1-2 "Can you see?". Rev 3:18 Heb 12:1 Prov 23:7 John 20:1-7 Blepo - to see but can't comprehend what you see (Mary) Theoreo - to see and theorise about what you see (Peter) Eidon - to see and believe what you see (John) 1) Who are your friends? 2) What music are you listening to? Be careful of what you put into your spirit! Expand

Nov 14

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on 2 Corinthians 5:7 NLT

God takes you step by step.. He leads us into the unknown.. Our greatest challenge is to hear God and step out into the comfort zone into the "fear zone"..

Oct 25

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Revelation 2:17 NLT

Learn to listen! "An ear to hear"..

Oct 25

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Judges 7:9 NASB

Gideon received a promise from God. But he lacked faith. The key is to make the promise into a picture. "See it, say it, so you can seize it". Let the picture develop in your mind. The picture you have matters! Believe the promise! Expand

Oct 11

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Isaiah 43:2 NASB

You will only rise to the level of your own security The night will not last forever Bullying will stop you dead in your tracks

Sep 13

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Isaiah 43:1 NASB

God created jacob but FORMED israel.. God is not done with you yet.. Don't let the opportunities that come go past.. Do not be intimidated!

Sep 13

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on 1 Timothy 4:12 NASB

There is an accuser and he sounds like God. But he's a "bully". We need to gain confidence of who we are in Christ. Heb 10:35.

Sep 13

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Genesis 1:12 NASB

You reap what you sow. If you keep throwing the seed away, new trees won't grow. When you plant seed it multiplies. If you hold on to your seed it won't multiply. Don't plant your seed into the wrong place Expand

Aug 30

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Genesis 1:3 NASB

When light comes, chaos (darkness) turns into light. With order comes peace and joy.

Aug 30

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Isaiah 30:23 NASB

What I sow, so it will grow..

Aug 30

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on 2 Corinthians 10:5 NASB

Demolish the argument-against whatever you think vs what God has said or promised Take your thoughts captive. Sit it down.. "Where did you come from?" "Why were you sent?"

Aug 9

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Philippians 4:9 NASB

Fear/Faith ---> Focus Keep your eyes on Jesus What holds you back? Its never the "thing" that hold you back, its how you think about the thing that holds you back. When you get a though of encouragement/thanksgiving/true etc : "Hold that thought!" Fact vs Truth: whatever is true is not always facts Expand

Aug 9

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Mark 4:41 NASB

Sometimes we create our own storms or waves! "Words" "Approach" "Voices" "Expectations" "Shame"

Aug 2

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Philippians 4:6 NASB

Genuine concern vs needles anxiety Romans 8:37-39

Aug 2

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on 2 Timothy 3:16 NLT

Inspire: you can't give what you don't have.. Be inspired to inspire

May 24

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Deuteronomy 11:13 NASB

Often the dessert we experience in our life is because we aren't following God's commandments.. To every promise there is a command.. 1) Hear God's word 2) Act on God's word 3) Pray 4) Believe Expand

Apr 26

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Lorraine Wilters Stapelberg

wrote a note on Luke 10:19 NASB

Promise. Authority is power, Power is authority. You have authority over satan's ability!

Apr 19