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Macs7777's Notes

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wrote a note on Luke 7:35 ESV

If a wisdom is true then many will believe it. But if a thing is not wise not many will believe it.

Jan 25

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wrote a note on Luke 7:34 ESV

Jesus is saying you can't have it both ways.

Jan 25

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wrote a note on Luke 7:28 ESV

John was born of woman but the people in the kingdom are born again of the Spirit and are greater.

Jan 25

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wrote a note on Luke 6:38 ESV

Live life with an open hand.

Jan 25

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wrote a note on Mark 14:21 ESV

So, Judus wasn't innocent just trying to get Jesus to step up and start the kingdom now.

Jan 21

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wrote a note on Mark 13:20 ESV

People will be saved in the tribulation.

Jan 21

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wrote a note on Mark 13:20 ESV

People will be saved in the tribulation

Jan 21

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wrote a note on Mark 12:10 ESV

Israel rejected Jesus, but He became the corner stone of salvation.

Jan 21