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finished reading 1 Corinthians 5, 1 Corinthians 6, 1 Corinthians 7, 1 Corinthians 8 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

I can hardly believe the report about the sexual immorality going on among you—something that even pagans don’t do. I am told that a man in your church is living in sin with his stepmother....

over 3 years ago



finished reading 1 Corinthians 1, 1 Corinthians 2, 1 Corinthians 3, 1 Corinthians 4 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

This letter is from Paul, chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, and from our brother Sosthenes....

over 3 years ago



finished reading Acts 18:19-28, Acts 19 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

They stopped first at the port of Ephesus, where Paul left the others behind. While he was there, he went to the synagogue to reason with the Jews....

over 3 years ago



finished reading 1 Thessalonians 1, 1 Thessalonians 2, 1 Thessalonians 3, 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Thessalonians 5, 2 Thessalonians 1, 2 Thessalonians 2, 2 Thessalonians 3 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

This letter is from Paul, Silas, and Timothy. We are writing to the church in Thessalonica, to you who belong to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. May God give you grace and peace....

over 3 years ago



finished reading Acts 17, Acts 18:1-18 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

Paul and Silas then traveled through the towns of Amphipolis and Apollonia and came to Thessalonica, where there was a Jewish synagogue....

over 3 years ago



finished reading Galatians 4, Galatians 5, Galatians 6 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

Think of it this way. If a father dies and leaves an inheritance for his young children, those children are not much better off than slaves until they grow up, even though they actually own everything their father had....

over 3 years ago



finished reading Galatians 1, Galatians 2, Galatians 3 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

This letter is from Paul, an apostle. I was not appointed by any group of people or any human authority, but by Jesus Christ himself and by God the Father, who raised Jesus from the dead....

over 3 years ago



finished reading Acts 15, Acts 16 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

While Paul and Barnabas were at Antioch of Syria, some men from Judea arrived and began to teach the believers: “Unless you are circumcised as required by the law of Moses, you cannot be saved.”...

over 3 years ago



finished reading James 1, James 2, James 3, James 4, James 5 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

This letter is from James, a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am writing to the “twelve tribes”—Jewish believers scattered abroad. Greetings!...

over 3 years ago



finished reading Acts 13, Acts 14 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

Among the prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch of Syria were Barnabas, Simeon (called “the black man”), Lucius (from Cyrene), Manaen (the childhood companion of King Herod Antipas), and Saul....

over 3 years ago



finished reading Acts 11, Acts 12 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

Soon the news reached the apostles and other believers in Judea that the Gentiles had received the word of God....

over 3 years ago



finished reading Acts 9, Acts 10 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

Meanwhile, Saul was uttering threats with every breath and was eager to kill the Lord’s followers. So he went to the high priest....

over 3 years ago



finished reading Acts 7, Acts 8 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

Then the high priest asked Stephen, “Are these accusations true?”...

over 3 years ago



finished reading Acts 4, Acts 5, Acts 6 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

While Peter and John were speaking to the people, they were confronted by the priests, the captain of the Temple guard, and some of the Sadducees....

over 3 years ago



finished reading Acts 1, Acts 2, Acts 3 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

In my first book I told you, Theophilus, about everything Jesus began to do and teach...

over 3 years ago



finished reading Luke 24, John 20, John 21 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

But very early on Sunday morning the women went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared....

over 3 years ago



finished reading Matthew 28, Mark 16 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to visit the tomb....

over 3 years ago



finished reading Luke 23, John 18, John 19 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

Then the entire council took Jesus to Pilate, the Roman governor....

over 3 years ago



finished reading Matthew 27, Mark 15 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

Very early in the morning the leading priests and the elders of the people met again to lay plans for putting Jesus to death....

over 3 years ago