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Hoppfree's Notes

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wrote a note on 1 Samuel 30:10 NASB

Overcoming discouragement Discouragement is universal, it's contagious,unpredictable, but its temporary. Disappointment is unavoidable, What causes it? Is their a way to break out of it? If your married and you can't please them, or physical abuse, Gods not answer my prayers Your being skipped over for a raise Or caught up into some sin But don't know how to deal with it... Financial pressure,mortgage too High, Health problems and no seems to know what to do Feeling unworthy a nobody, Remember who is in charge Consequences........ Blaming others Angry and depression Estrangement just want to dump it on someone Loss of confidence Negative spirit Making unwise decisions Doubts begin to drift in and satin takes over. Expand

Aug 10