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Peter Allan

Peter Allan's Highlights

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 20:15 NASB

There is gold, and an abundance of jewels; But the lips of knowledge are a more precious thing.

Jun 23

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 20:12 NASB

The hearing aear and the seeing eye, The Lord has made both of them.

Jun 23

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 20:9 NASB

aWho can say, "I have cleansed my heart, I am pure from my sin"?

Jun 23

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 20:7 NASB

A righteous man who awalks in his integrity-- bHow blessed are his sons after him.

Jun 23

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 19:11 NASB

A man's adiscretion makes him slow to anger, And it is his glory bto overlook a transgression.

Jun 22

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 18:10 NASB

The aname of the Lord is a bstrong tower; The righteous runs into it and cis safe.

Jun 22

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 18:4 NASB

The words of a man's mouth are adeep waters; The fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook.

Jun 22

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 17:22 NASB

A ajoyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit bdries up the bones.

Jun 22

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 17:17 NASB

A afriend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity.

Jun 22

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 16:3 NASB

aCommit your works to the Lord And your plans will be established.

Jun 22

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 15:33 NASB

The fear of the Lord is the instruction for wisdom, And before honor comes humility.

Jun 22

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 15:4 NASB

A soothing tongue is a tree of life, But perversion in it crushes the spirit.

Jun 22

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 14:33 NASB

Wisdom rests in the heart of one who has understanding, But in the hearts of fools it is made known.

Jun 22

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 14:1 NASB

The awise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands.

Jun 22

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 11:30 NASB

The fruit of the righteous is aa tree of life, And bhe who is wise wins souls.

Jun 22

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 10:12 NASB

Hatred stirs up strife, But alove covers all transgressions.

Jun 22

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 9:10 NASB

The afear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Jun 22

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 6:20-22 NASB

aMy son, observe the commandment of your father And do not forsake the teaching of your mother;aBind them continually on your heart; Tie them around your neck.When you awalk about, they will guide you; When you sleep, they will watch over you; And when you awake, they will talk to you.

Jun 20

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 6:16-19 NASB

There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:aHaughty eyes, a blying tongue, And hands that cshed innocent blood,A heart that devises awicked plans, bFeet that run rapidly to evil,A afalse witness who utters lies, And one who bspreads strife among brothers.

Jun 20

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Peter Allan

highlighted Proverbs 6:6-8 NASB

Go to the aant, O bsluggard, Observe her ways and be wise,Which, having ano chief, Officer or ruler,Prepares her food ain the summer And gathers her provision in the harvest.

Jun 20