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Peter Allan

Peter Allan's Highlights

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 119:62 NASB

At amidnight I shall rise to give thanks to You Because of Your brighteous ordinances.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 119:44 NASB

So I will akeep Your law continually, Forever and ever.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 119:30 NASB

I have chosen the faithful way; I have placed Your ordinances before me.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 119:11 NASB

Your word I have atreasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 119:9 NASB

How can a young man keep his way pure? By akeeping it according to Your word.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 118:29 NASB

aGive thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 118:28 NASB

aYou are my God, and I give thanks to You; You are my God, bI extol You.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 118:26 NASB

aBlessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord; We have bblessed you from the house of the Lord.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 118:24 NASB

This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us arejoice and be glad in it.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 118:21 NASB

I shall give thanks to You, for You have aanswered me, And You have bbecome my salvation.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 118:19 NASB

aOpen to me the gates of righteousness; I shall enter through them, I shall give thanks to the Lord.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 118:18 NASB

The Lord has adisciplined me severely, But He has bnot given me over to death.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 118:15 NASB

The sound of ajoyful shouting and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; The bright hand of the Lord does valiantly.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 118:14 NASB

aThe Lord is my strength and song, And He has become bmy salvation.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 118:8 NASB

It is abetter to take refuge in the Lord Than to trust in man.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 118:7 NASB

The Lord is for me aamong those who help me; Therefore I will blook with satisfaction on those who hate me.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 118:6 NASB

The Lord is afor me; I will bnot fear; cWhat can man do to me?

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 118:1 NASB

aGive thanks to the Lord, for bHe is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 117:2 NASB

For His alovingkindness is great toward us, And the btruth of the Lord is everlasting. Praise the Lord!

Jun 17

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Peter Allan

highlighted Psalms 117:1 NASB

aPraise the Lord, all nations; Laud Him, all peoples!

Jun 17