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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

Rainnie Magnus Blanton's Activity

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 14:5 ESV

A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies.

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 14:1 ESV

The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down.

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

finished reading Proverbs 13 in Proverbs In 31 Days:

A wise son hears his father's instruction, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke....

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 13:24 ESV

Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 13:1 ESV

A wise son hears his father's instruction, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke.

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 12:25 ESV

Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 12:19 ESV

Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment.

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 12:4 ESV

An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

finished reading Proverbs 10 in Proverbs In 31 Days:

The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother....

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 10:18 ESV

The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever utters slander is a fool.

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 10:1 ESV

The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother.

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

finished reading Proverbs 9 in Proverbs In 31 Days:

Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn her seven pillars....

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 9:9-10 ESV

Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

finished reading Proverbs 8 in Proverbs In 31 Days:

Does not wisdom call? Does not understanding raise her voice?...

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 8:7-8 ESV

for my mouth will utter truth; wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 7:25 ESV

Let not your heart turn aside to her ways; do not stray into her paths,

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

finished reading Proverbs 7 in Proverbs In 31 Days:

My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you;...

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

finished reading Proverbs 6 in Proverbs In 31 Days:

My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor, have given your pledge for a stranger,...

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 6:21-22 ESV

Bind them on your heart always; tie them around your neck.

almost 11 years ago

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Rainnie Magnus Blanton

highlighted Proverbs 6:20 ESV

My son, keep your father's commandment, and forsake not your mother's teaching.

almost 11 years ago