Zenka Taffe's Notes

Zenka Taffe
wrote a note on Numbers 35:11-12 NASB
God gives these who committed murder a chance till judgment.
Oct 15

Zenka Taffe
wrote a note on Acts 2:38-39 NASB
Repent, be baptised and you will receive the Holy Spirit.
Oct 15

Zenka Taffe
wrote a note on John 21:11 NASB
153 fish represents every nation all over the world. 153.
Oct 14

Zenka Taffe
wrote a note on John 20:29 NASB
Blessed are they who haven't seen it but yet believed it.
Oct 14

Zenka Taffe
wrote a note on John 20:17 NASB
When you get to know Jesus you can't just keep this for yourself, you need to share the good news.
Oct 1

Zenka Taffe
wrote a note on John 17:20-21 NASB
Believing words of apostles makes us one with Jesus and Father.
Sep 23