read John 5 Day 28 of New Testament in 90 Days
Dec 8
read John 4 Day 28 of New Testament in 90 Days
read John 3 Day 28 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Psalms 112:7 Day 258 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
read Hebrews 1:14 Day 258 of Bible Verse a Day
read John 2 Day 27 of New Testament in 90 Days
Dec 7
read John 1 Day 27 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Mark 4:36 Day 257 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
read Psalms 118:24 Day 257 of Bible Verse a Day
read Luke 24 Day 26 of New Testament in 90 Days
Dec 6
read Luke 23 Day 26 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Psalms 84:6 Day 256 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
read Habakkuk 2:4 Day 256 of Bible Verse a Day
read Luke 22 Day 25 of New Testament in 90 Days
Dec 5
read Luke 21 Day 25 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Nahum 1:2 Day 255 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
read Luke 11:9-10 Day 255 of Bible Verse a Day
read Luke 20 Day 24 of New Testament in 90 Days
Dec 4
read Luke 19 Day 24 of New Testament in 90 Days
read 2 Corinthians 6:17 Day 254 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions