read Psalms 45:2 Day 172 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
Jun 8
read Psalms 32:8 Day 172 of Bible Verse a Day
read Ecclesiastes 12 Day 171 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Jun 7
read Ecclesiastes 11 Day 171 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan
read Ecclesiastes 10 Day 171 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan
read Ecclesiastes 9 Day 171 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan
read Ecclesiastes 8 Day 171 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan
read Ecclesiastes 7 Day 171 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan
read Amos 9:9 Day 171 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
read Philippians 2:14 Day 171 of Bible Verse a Day
read Ecclesiastes 6 Day 170 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Jun 6
read Ecclesiastes 5 Day 170 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan
read Ecclesiastes 4 Day 170 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan
read Ecclesiastes 3 Day 170 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan
read Ecclesiastes 2 Day 170 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan
read Ecclesiastes 1 Day 170 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan
read Acts 2:4 Day 170 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
read Psalms 27:4 Day 170 of Bible Verse a Day
read Proverbs 29 Day 169 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Jun 3
read Proverbs 28 Day 169 of Chronological Bible Reading Plan