read 2 Thessalonians 2 Day 70 of New Testament in 90 Days
Feb 7
read 2 Thessalonians 1 Day 70 of New Testament in 90 Days
read 2 Timothy 2:11 Day 300 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
read 1 Timothy 2:1-4 Day 300 of Bible Verse a Day
read 1 Thessalonians 5 Day 69 of New Testament in 90 Days
Feb 4
read 1 Thessalonians 4 Day 69 of New Testament in 90 Days
read 1 Thessalonians 3 Day 69 of New Testament in 90 Days
read 1 Thessalonians 2 Day 69 of New Testament in 90 Days
read 1 Thessalonians 1 Day 69 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Haggai 1:9 Day 299 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
read Matthew 7:13-14 Day 299 of Bible Verse a Day
read Colossians 4 Day 68 of New Testament in 90 Days
Feb 1
read Colossians 3 Day 68 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Colossians 2 Day 68 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Colossians 1 Day 68 of New Testament in 90 Days
read 2 John 1:2 Day 298 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
read 2 Samuel 22:17 Day 298 of Bible Verse a Day
read Philippians 4 Day 67 of New Testament in 90 Days
Jan 31
read Philippians 3 Day 67 of New Testament in 90 Days
read Philippians 2 Day 67 of New Testament in 90 Days