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Hyacinth Taylor

Hyacinth Taylor's Highlights

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Hyacinth Taylor

highlighted Matthew 10:37 KJV

He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

May 5

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Hyacinth Taylor

highlighted Matthew 10:26 KJV

Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

May 5

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Hyacinth Taylor

highlighted Matthew 10:5 KJV

These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:

May 5

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Hyacinth Taylor

highlighted Matthew 10:1 KJV

And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

May 5

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Hyacinth Taylor

highlighted Matthew 9:21-22 KJV

For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole. But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

May 3

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Hyacinth Taylor

highlighted Matthew 9:2 KJV

And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.

May 3

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Hyacinth Taylor

highlighted Matthew 8:16 KJV

When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick:

May 3

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Hyacinth Taylor

highlighted Matthew 7:17 KJV

Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

May 3

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Hyacinth Taylor

highlighted Matthew 7:9 KJV

Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?

May 3

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Hyacinth Taylor

highlighted Matthew 7:14 KJV

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

May 3