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Kim Alameda Earl

Kim Alameda Earl's Activity

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Psalms 63

A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water....

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Proverbs 2

My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you,...

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Proverbs 1

The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel:...

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read John 2

On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there....

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Psalms 62

To the choirmaster: according to Jeduthun. A Psalm of David. For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation....

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Job 42

Then Job answered the Lord and said:...

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Job 41

"Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook or press down his tongue with a cord?...

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read John 1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God....

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Psalms 61

To the choirmaster: with stringed instruments. Of David. Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer;...

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Job 40

And the Lord said to Job:...

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Job 39

"Do you know when the mountain goats give birth? Do you observe the calving of the does?...

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Job 39

"Do you know when the mountain goats give birth? Do you observe the calving of the does?...

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Luke 24

But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared....

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Psalms 60

To the choirmaster: according to Shushan Eduth. A Miktam of David; for instruction; when he strove with Aram-naharaim and with Aram-zobah, and when Joab on his return struck down twelve thousand of Edom in the Valley of Salt. O God, you have rejected us, broken our defenses; you have been angry; oh, restore us....

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Job 38

Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said:...

about 10 years ago

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Kim Alameda Earl

read Job 37

"At this also my heart trembles and leaps out of its place....

about 10 years ago