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Bright Wizkid Obilor

Bright Wizkid Obilor's Notes

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 16:14 ESV

1. A business woman who was a worshipper of God 2. God opened her heart to hear Paul.*Grace*

Apr 29

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 16:7 ESV

Specific things we want to do that The Spirit might not want us to do. Follow the lead of The Spirit. He leads into God's will

Apr 29

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 16:1 ESV

Paul meets Timothy!!! Yayyy!!!

Apr 29

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 15:32 ESV

Encouraged and strengthened the brothers with many words.

Apr 28

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 15:8 ESV

God knows MY heart

Apr 28

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 15:3 ESV

The conversion of the gentiles brought great joy to the brothers

Apr 28

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 14:22 ESV

The Christian walk is not an easy walk

Apr 27

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 14:10 ESV

He first listened, then he had faith, then he was healed...usual sequence of a miracle

Apr 27

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 14:3 ESV

"Granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands"- It is God who grants signs and wonders; He should be the central focus

Apr 27

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 13:39 ESV

By JESUS, all who BELIEVE in Him are saved

Apr 25

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 13:4 ESV

The Holy Spirit sent them out; Only God's Spirit should be doing the sending.

Apr 25

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 12:23-24 ESV

People come and people go, but the word of God remains and will continue to grow. God must get all the glory in the end

Apr 24

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 12:10 ESV

The gate opened on its own accord; God sets free!

Apr 24

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 12:5 ESV

Earnest prayer for him was made; the church prayed together for each other; they were United in prayer

Apr 24

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 11:24 ESV

Some of the qualities of a real "good" man

Apr 23

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 11:23 ESV

"Remain faithful to God with steadfast purpose"

Apr 23

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 11:26 ESV

The origin of the word-Christian

Apr 23

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 11:21 ESV

And the hand of the Lord was with them

Apr 23

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 11:17 ESV

Again echoing the thoughts in Acts 10:34-35, that God is impartial and there is a fair chance for everyone to get saved

Apr 23