read Romans 9 Day 300 of Bible in One Year
May 15
read Psalms 107:23-43 Day 300 of Bible in One Year
read Jeremiah 17 Day 300 of Bible in One Year
read Jeremiah 16 Day 300 of Bible in One Year
read Jeremiah 15 Day 300 of Bible in One Year
read Romans 8 Day 299 of Bible in One Year
May 14
read Psalms 107:1-22 Day 299 of Bible in One Year
read Jeremiah 14 Day 299 of Bible in One Year
read Jeremiah 13 Day 299 of Bible in One Year
read Romans 7 Day 298 of Bible in One Year
May 13
read Psalms 106:24-48 Day 298 of Bible in One Year
read Jeremiah 12 Day 298 of Bible in One Year
read Jeremiah 11 Day 298 of Bible in One Year
read Jeremiah 10 Day 298 of Bible in One Year
read Romans 6 Day 297 of Bible in One Year
May 12
read Romans 5 Day 297 of Bible in One Year
read Psalms 106:1-23 Day 297 of Bible in One Year
read Jeremiah 9 Day 297 of Bible in One Year
read Jeremiah 8 Day 297 of Bible in One Year