Jean Rubes's Notes
Jean Rubes
Advising Job to repent of his wickedness. Gave reasons to encourage repentance 1)God's greatness, 2)Goodness of God, 3)God's grace, 4)God protects repenters
Aug 13
Jean Rubes
Job's troubles are too great for human help, implied conclusion is that Job is a condemned sinner. Eliphaz is implying that It is Job's own fault that he is having these problems.
Aug 13
Jean Rubes
These three friends were men of faith who knew each other, No evidence that these men were related to Esau or Abraham.
Aug 12
Jean Rubes
We have no way of measuring spiritual rewards; should we conclude that we should reject God when we suffer physically or lose material items?
Aug 12
Jean Rubes
Satan is powerful, but God is more powerful, for Satan can do nothing unless God permits it.
Aug 12
Jean Rubes
Satan believed that Job was godly, because he was prosperous and once all his worldly goods had been taken away Job would curse God.
Aug 12
Jean Rubes
Satan is behind the suffering of God's people.He hates those who live a godly live and loves to bring harm and dishonor to them
Aug 12