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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

Roxanne Cherie Hagen's Notes

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Matthew 7:1-2 ESV

Bitter root judgments !!!! Judge no one. Boomerang effect what u sew u shall reap!! Everything comes back. Negative roots means bad fruit

Jul 31

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Matthew 5:44 ESV

I'm trying very hard to do this on a daily basis! Ill pray for all the lost souls that I pass each day & god Is great & forgives is for All sins! Evil is every where and we are temped by the fruits of evil every day we walk with God and learn to resist temptation and instead be filled with the blood of Christ while he walks with us in love!!!!!! Expand

Jul 30

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Genesis 16:11 ESV

Adultery and offspring

Jul 30

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Genesis 11:32 ESV

More families of God will come back to this when need confirmation

Jul 30

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Genesis 10:1 ESV

All the first families hard for me to keep straight but I will move froward as best as I can coming back to this section when need be

Jul 30

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Genesis 9:29 ESV

The death of Noah! A sad but righteous day indeed!

Jul 30

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Genesis 8:20 ESV

Built an alter to begin worship ! Noah loved god and was full of his spirit n love the blood of Jesus filled Noah's body!

Jul 30

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Genesis 6:9 ESV

Noah's great walk with god begins!

Jul 30

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Psalms 37:27 ESV

Daily I am troubled and stumble with the evil that lives in this town of Wasaga beach!! Daily I stride forward towards the light and into his arms away from my past with each sunset I'm a little close to god !!! Expand

Jul 30

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Psalms 37:4-6 ESV

Bringing more and more delight each day as I lead more and more people into his arms and spread the word!

Jul 30

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Psalms 33:22 ESV

Ill never lose hope as I feel within my blood the clips of Christ. As he is my saviour !!

Jul 30

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Psalms 31:2-5 ESV

Save me oh lord from All the wrongs around me. The darkness pulling me in the wrong direction!! Amen please save me oh lord as each step I take is towards complete salvation with in the blood of Christ which pours his love onto me minute by minute day by day not one day passes where I don't take another step towards his all mighty. Forever and ever amen Expand

Jul 30

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Psalms 25:16-18 ESV

I am so lonely and isolated I do this to myself all to often when my demons try to over power my lord saviour but I know he will prevail bc I keep my feet steadfast with each step towards his love!! Amen!! Expand

Jul 30

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Roxanne Cherie Hagen

wrote a note on Psalms 25:7 ESV

I pray consistently for the sins of my youth to be washed from my soul! I know my king our lord is listening even when I don't pray aloud! Thank U my God u r great!

Jul 30