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Jean Godwin

Jean Godwin's Activity

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 26

After the plague, the Lord said to Moses and to Eleazar the son of Aaron, the priest,...

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 26

After the plague, the Lord said to Moses and to Eleazar the son of Aaron, the priest,...

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

highlighted Numbers 26:60 ESV

And to Aaron were born Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

highlighted Numbers 26:6 ESV

of Hezron, the clan of the Hezronites; of Carmi, the clan of the Carmites.

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 25

While Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to whore with the daughters of Moab....

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 25

While Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to whore with the daughters of Moab....

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 25

While Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to whore with the daughters of Moab....

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 25

While Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to whore with the daughters of Moab....

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 25

While Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to whore with the daughters of Moab....

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 24

When Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, he did not go, as at other times, to look for omens, but set his face toward the wilderness....

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 24

When Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, he did not go, as at other times, to look for omens, but set his face toward the wilderness....

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 24

When Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, he did not go, as at other times, to look for omens, but set his face toward the wilderness....

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 24

When Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, he did not go, as at other times, to look for omens, but set his face toward the wilderness....

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 24

When Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, he did not go, as at other times, to look for omens, but set his face toward the wilderness....

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 23

And Balaam said to Balak, "Build for me here seven altars, and prepare for me here seven bulls and seven rams."...

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 22

Then the people of Israel set out and camped in the plains of Moab beyond the Jordan at Jericho....

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

highlighted Numbers 22:20 ESV

And God came to Balaam at night and said to him, "If the men have come to call you, rise, go with them; but only do what I tell you."

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 21

When the Canaanite, the king of Arad, who lived in the Negeb, heard that Israel was coming by the way of Atharim, he fought against Israel, and took some of them captive....

about 11 years ago

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Jean Godwin

read Numbers 20

And the people of Israel, the whole congregation, came into the wilderness of Zin in the first month, and the people stayed in Kadesh. And Miriam died there and was buried there....

about 11 years ago