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Zack Watkins

Zack Watkins's Bookmarks

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked 1 Peter 3 NASB

aIn the same way, you wives, bbe submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be cwon without a word by the behavior of their wives,

Mar 5

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked 1 Corinthians 11 NASB

aBe imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.

Mar 5

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked Exodus 34 NASB

Now the Lord said to Moses, "Cut out for yourself atwo stone tablets like the former ones, and bI will write on the tablets the words that were on the former tablets which you shattered.

Mar 5

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked Ephesians 5 NASB

aTherefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;

Mar 5

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked 1 John 1 NASB

What was afrom the beginning, what we have bheard, what we have cseen with our eyes, what we dhave looked at and etouched with our hands, concerning the fWord of Life--

Mar 5

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked Philippians 2 NASB

Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any afellowship of the Spirit, if any baffection and compassion,

Mar 5

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked Psalms 109 NASB

O aGod of my praise, bDo not be silent!

Feb 26

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked Matthew 14 NASB

aAt that time bHerod the tetrarch heard the news about Jesus,

Feb 26

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked 1 Samuel 17 NASB

Now athe Philistines gathered their armies for battle; and they were gathered at Socoh which belongs to Judah, and they camped between bSocoh and cAzekah, in dEphes-dammim.

Feb 26

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked 2 Chronicles 7 NASB

aNow when Solomon had finished praying, bfire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the house.

Feb 26

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked Galatians 6 NASB

aBrethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are bspiritual, crestore such a one din a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted.

Feb 26

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked Galatians 5 NASB

aIt was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore bkeep standing firm and do not be subject again to a cyoke of slavery.

Feb 26

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked Proverbs 22 NASB

A agood name is to be more desired than great wealth, Favor is better than silver and gold.

Feb 12

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked Galatians 4 NASB

Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything,

Feb 12

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked Philippians 4 NASB

Therefore, my beloved brethren whom I along to see, my joy and crown, in this way bstand firm in the Lord, my beloved.

Feb 5

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked James 1 NASB

aJames, a bbond-servant of God and cof the Lord Jesus Christ,

Feb 2

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked James 3 NASB

aLet not many of you become teachers, bmy brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.

Feb 2

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked Deuteronomy 12 KJV

These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe to do in the land, which the LORD God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, all the days that ye live upon the earth.

Jan 29

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked Genesis 25 KJV

Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah.

Jan 15

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Zack Watkins

bookmarked Genesis 18 NLT

The LORD appeared again to Abraham near the oak grove belonging to Mamre. One day Abraham was sitting at the entrance to his tent during the hottest part of the day.

Jan 8