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Sally Puckett

Sally Puckett's Highlights

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 59:5 KJV

Thou therefore, O LORD God of hosts, the God of Israel, awake to visit all the heathen: be not merciful to any wicked transgressors. Selah.

Aug 27

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 59:2 KJV

Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloody men.

Aug 27

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 59:1 KJV

Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God: defend me from them that rise up against me.

Aug 27

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 58:11 KJV

So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth.

Aug 27

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 58:10 KJV

The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.

Aug 27

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 57:10 KJV

For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds.

Aug 27

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 56:11 KJV

In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.

Aug 23

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 56:9 KJV

When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.

Aug 23

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 55:22 KJV

Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

Aug 23

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 55:16 KJV

As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me.

Aug 23

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 55:3 KJV

Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquity upon me, and in wrath they hate me.

Aug 23

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 54:7 KJV

For he hath delivered me out of all trouble: and mine eye hath seen his desire upon mine enemies.

Aug 22

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 54:4 KJV

Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul.

Aug 22

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 44:4 KJV

Thou art my King, O God: command deliverances for Jacob.

Aug 20

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 44:26 KJV

Arise for our help, and redeem us for thy mercies’ sake.

Aug 20

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 44:17 KJV

All this is come upon us; yet have we not forgotten thee, neither have we dealt falsely in thy covenant.

Aug 20

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 44:8 KJV

In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name for ever. Selah.

Aug 20

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 44:7 KJV

But thou hast saved us from our enemies, and hast put them to shame that hated us.

Aug 20

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 44:6 KJV

For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me.

Aug 20

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Sally Puckett

highlighted Psalms 46:1 KJV

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Aug 19