Emily Faith's Notes

Emily Faith
When they bring in a new apostle, they give him things. Casting lots means they gave him some of whatever each of them have as a welcoming gift.
Nov 1

Emily Faith
wrote a note on 1 John 4:18 ESV
John is talking about the final judgment not everyday fear or everyday anxiety.
Oct 25

Emily Faith
wrote a note on 2 Timothy 2:7 ESV
Before I started reading this I prayed that The Lord would give me understanding of His Word when I read. Open my eyes that I may see. And then I read this scripture right after I read something I didn't really understand so I read it again and I believe I figured them out. Partially anyways! … Expand
Jul 22

Emily Faith
wrote a note on 2 Timothy 2:5 ESV
A person is not given the gift of life if they do not follow God's law and live by Jesus.
Jul 22

Emily Faith
wrote a note on 2 Timothy 2:4 ESV
Don't get entangled in worldly things. We are not here to please people but to please and do the Will of God.
Jul 22

Emily Faith
wrote a note on 2 Peter 3:13 ESV
Does this mean that there is corruption in heaven and all of the heavens and earth will be made completely new?
Jul 6

Emily Faith
wrote a note on 2 Peter 3:12 ESV
What does Peter mean by "the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved" and "heavenly bodies will burn up."?
Jul 6