Terry Lancaster's Posts

Terry Lancaster
posted a thought
I sometimes feel so good about my life and how much God has been here for me and my family and I want to follow him and his commandments like I know I should be doing each and every day. there are days I have that so many problems arise and I am completely overwhelmed by them and I will falter and fall from the things I know are right. I worry that these actions I take without thinking about the consequences are going to keep me from entering the gates of Heaven and being with my Father whom I trust and believe in with all my heart. I just have to get up and keep going and know that he died for our sins so that we may live and if we sin we will be forgiven by him if we only ask and are sincerely sorry for our actions.. This is what keeps me going and becoming stronger in my convictions that I am a child of Gods and he will never entirely desert me. I am so thankful for Our Father In Heaven !!! Amen …Expand
Jun 9