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Tammy Miles

Tammy Miles's Notes

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Exodus 25:2 ESV

You will not have the presence of God without the word of God. We are the tabrinacle of God

May 28

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Leviticus 19:1 ESV

Wednesday study 27th of march

Mar 19

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Exodus 24:3 ESV

One voice. Pattern of God. Ex 24:7.

Mar 19

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on 1 Chronicles 15:13 ESV

Order. God has a pattern when people follow his pattern he pours himself in us He also does this different. Old wine skins New wine skins. Open ourselves fresh and new let him fill it and then you pour it out again. Eph. Be filled with continuous Holy Spirit. We all have to grow in Christ. Expand

Mar 19

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Exodus 4:29 ESV

Leaders and people must come together

Mar 5

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Acts 2:3 ESV

Distributed himself to every single person

Mar 5

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Acts 2:2 ESV

Wind. Exhaling breath.

Mar 5

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Psalms 133:3 ESV

Dew-- tal covering the dictation As the covering of the vegetation mt. The planting of The Lord is anointed by God. We should be the governmently. Guiding pillars. In unity Christians should be the light Duet. 28. The land that god gives us. Wilderness. To be a light of hope Act2. Expand

Mar 5

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Psalms 133:2 ESV

Ex 30:25. Anointed oil. Choice spices make oil of sacred anointed olive oil doesn't mix with other oils God is seperated from. Love relationship w Jesus Christ

Mar 5

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Psalms 133:1 ESV

A unit to be or become one13 of Gen.verse 8. Heb 13:1

Mar 5

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Exodus 15:18 ESV

The Lord plans the redeemed sing a new song to God!!!

Feb 26

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Micah 2:10 ESV

We have to rise up against the status quo God said I'm doing a new Thing Gods desire is to be On the cutting Edge Phil 3:15-20. Heb 10:14 Mind set no condemnation

Feb 19

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Hebrews 11:10 ESV

Thee city whose planer and builder is God. They believed and received Jesus afar off before it came to pass. Bit received a heavenly country A house of glory a place of holiness and rightness A glory house !!! Expand

Feb 19

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Acts 5:38-39 ESV

We can not do on our own power we will fail but seek The Lord and obey submit to His authority , will He wants us to follow

Jan 19

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Acts 5:17 ESV

Acts 5:17-42 resistance to Christianity

Jan 19

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Acts 4:20 ESV

Continually speak of God and the gospel of Jesus. What do I do with Jesus address the ? Resistance in my own soul

Jan 12

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Acts 4:17 ESV

Resistance. Don't speak or teach on the name of Jesus. As for us we have a story God on your life tell it !

Jan 12

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Ecclesiastes 12:7 ESV

The spirit came from God you live with that spirit. Reconciling people back to God is our responsibility

Dec 4

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Isaiah 2:4-5 ESV

The prince of peace (Jesus) is God. As we go we are taught His ways to live in the peace of God.

Dec 1

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Tammy Miles

wrote a note on Isaiah 2:7 ESV

God is lifted up like the mountains. The past was behind them that motivated them toward the future of the hope ahead of them. God establishes Himself as Lord of all . We are thought His ways so we can walk and talk his ways Expand

Dec 1