Storyteller7777's Highlights
highlighted Job 30:1-6 NLT
“But now I am mocked by people younger than I, by young men whose fathers are not worthy to run with my sheepdogs. A lot of good they are to me— those worn-out wretches! They are gaunt from poverty and hunger. They claw the dry ground in desolate wastelands. They pluck wild greens from among the bushes and eat from the roots of broom trees. They are driven from human society, and people shout at them as if they were thieves. So now they live in frightening ravines, in caves and among the rocks.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 30:7-14 NLT
They despise me and won’t come near me, except to spit in my face. For God has cut my bowstring. He has humbled me, so they have thrown off all restraint. These outcasts oppose me to my face. They send me sprawling and lay traps in my path. They block my road and do everything they can to destroy me. They know I have no one to help me. They come at me from all directions. They jump on me when I am down. They sound like animals howling among the bushes, huddled together beneath the nettles. They are nameless fools, outcasts from society. “And now they mock me with vulgar songs! They taunt me!
Apr 6
highlighted Job 30:15-17 NLT
I live in terror now. My honor has blown away in the wind, and my prosperity has vanished like a cloud. “And now my life seeps away. Depression haunts my days. At night my bones are filled with pain, which gnaws at me relentlessly.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 30:18 NLT
With a strong hand, God grabs my shirt. He grips me by the collar of my coat.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 30:19 NLT
He has thrown me into the mud. I’m nothing more than dust and ashes.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 30:20 NLT
“I cry to you, O God, but you don’t answer. I stand before you, but you don’t even look.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 30:21 NLT
You have become cruel toward me. You use your power to persecute me.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 30:22 NLT
You throw me into the whirlwind and destroy me in the storm.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 30:23 NLT
And I know you are sending me to my death— the destination of all who live.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 30:24-26 NLT
“Surely no one would turn against the needy when they cry for help in their trouble. Did I not weep for those in trouble? Was I not deeply grieved for the needy? So I looked for good, but evil came instead. I waited for the light, but darkness fell.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 30:27-31 NLT
My heart is troubled and restless. Days of suffering torment me. I walk in gloom, without sunlight. I stand in the public square and cry for help. Instead, I am considered a brother to jackals and a companion to owls. My skin has turned dark, and my bones burn with fever. My harp plays sad music, and my flute accompanies those who weep.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 28:1-5 NLT
“People know where to mine silver and how to refine gold. They know where to dig iron from the earth and how to smelt copper from rock. They know how to shine light in the darkness and explore the farthest regions of the earth as they search in the dark for ore. They sink a mine shaft into the earth far from where anyone lives. They descend on ropes, swinging back and forth. Food is grown on the earth above, but down below, the earth is melted as by fire.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 28:7 NLT
These are treasures no bird of prey can see, no falcon’s eye observe.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 28:8-12 NLT
They cut tunnels in the rocks and uncover precious stones. They dam up the trickling streams and bring to light the hidden treasures. “But do people know where to find wisdom? Where can they find understanding? No wild animal has walked upon these treasures; no lion has ever set his paw there. People know how to tear apart flinty rocks and overturn the roots of mountains.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 28:13-17 NLT
No one knows where to find it, for it is not found among the living. ‘It is not here,’ says the ocean. ‘Nor is it here,’ says the sea. It cannot be bought with gold. It cannot be purchased with silver. It’s worth more than all the gold of Ophir, greater than precious onyx or lapis lazuli. Wisdom is more valuable than gold and crystal. It cannot be purchased with jewels mounted in fine gold.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 28:22 NLT
Destruction and Death say, ‘We’ve heard only rumors of where wisdom can be found.’
Apr 6
highlighted Job 28:28 NLT
And this is what he says to all humanity: ‘The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding.’”
Apr 6
highlighted Job 28:25-27 NLT
He decided how hard the winds should blow and how much rain should fall. He made the laws for the rain and laid out a path for the lightning. Then he saw wisdom and evaluated it. He set it in place and examined it thoroughly.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 28:24 NLT
for he looks throughout the whole earth and sees everything under the heavens.
Apr 6
highlighted Job 28:23 NLT
“God alone understands the way to wisdom; he knows where it can be found,
Apr 6