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Nathan N Aimee Ellison

Nathan N Aimee Ellison's Posts

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Nathan N Aimee Ellison

posted a thought

Dear god I know we fail daily please forgive me as I walk with u today! Bless my home and family. Lord I pray u touch my mother and brother. I pray for peace with my girls As they get older. I want them to know U and have a relationship with u. As for me And my house we will serve u! I pray for my wife to always love u and our family and we fall in love EVERY DAY! Amen…Expand

Sep 6

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Nathan N Aimee Ellison

posted a thought

Dear GOD bless my family today and the ones that don't know u! Lord I pray forum mother this morning! I ask that u touch her show her light and she needs to trust u lord! I pray to fall in love with my wife every day! God I pray to be a better father and leader to my girls! I want them to are u through me! Bless the pastor as he delivers the message this morning. Amen…Expand

Sep 1

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Nathan N Aimee Ellison

posted a thought

Dear GOD please bless me with the right words for my little girls! I'm there leader and your mine! Lord I pray for them to see u though me today! Amen

Aug 31

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Nathan N Aimee Ellison

posted a thought

Dear God! As I start my 3rd day with u praying and seeking you, I pray u bless my wife and kids! Help me be a better husband and father though u! Amen

Aug 30