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Wendy Messina

Wendy Messina's Notes

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 13:22 NASB

and this was also me during my drug addiction. i knew Gods Word and what He wanted from me yet i chose to hear it and not listen but rather follow in the world

Sep 23

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 13:20 NASB

this was me for years until i fully gave myself over to God and His desires for me

Sep 23

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 13:16 NASB

this is not talking of physical eyes and ears but spiritual

Sep 23

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 13:14 NASB

i was there for so many years of my life..i heard Gods Word, i knew it,but yet i didnt live it. and even when i did start to live it i wasnt able to take hold of it with my heart but only with my mind. but my mind wont get me to heaven..even satan himself knows Gods Word. it wasnt until i was delivered from demons that bound my life and then filled with the Holy Spirit that i was able to gain heart knowledge Expand

Sep 23

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 12:45 NASB

however, if u r delivered from the evil spirit and u r filled with the Holy Spirit there is no room in u for the evil spirit to return too.

Sep 17

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 12:45 NASB

when u r delivered from a demonic spirit u MUST ask for the Holy Spirit to come and fill u til full and running over. otherwise the demon that left will come back and not alone. and because the cracks and holes in ur spiritual foundation have not been filled in and sealed w Gods Spirit they will over run u again making it harder to be delivered from them. Expand

Sep 17

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 12:36-37 NASB

i try to explain to my children that even calling someone stupid is a sin. u speak ur words into existance and those u call names like this will eventually begin acting and feeling like they r stupid. but u condemn urself in calliing others such names..u can lose a friend or even the respect and love of a family member...along with having to face God about it. Expand

Sep 17

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 11:29 NASB

if we lay our burdens, worries, and tears at His feet He will take them from us. the problem may still physically be there but u will find it easier to contend and deal with

Sep 17

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 11:15 NASB

this is not talking of physical ears but spiritual ears. for all men are able to hear Gods Word (even the deaf can hear in one form or another), but not all men will accept what they hear and change their ways and act upon the Word. but those who har not only with their physicdal ears but also their spiritual will know the Word of God Expand

Sep 17

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 11:10 NASB

we r to be like john and profess His name and His coming. We are to tell outhers about His love and salvation

Sep 17

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 10:39 NASB

i had found my life in drugs and was losing everything here on earth because of it, my family, material objects, evena part of myself. but when i cam to know Christ as my personal Savior all these things on earth that i had lost have begun coming back to me...but it was only because I found the One thing that could change me body, soul and mind..Christ Expand

Sep 17

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 10:27 NASB

my mom use to use this scripture on all 7 of us kids. shed tell us "theres nothing u can do in darkness that God wont bring to my light." she always knew what we did or was up to doing... Expand

Sep 17

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 10:14 NASB

i feel like this is one of those messages that tells us not ot keep company with unbelievers. we are to tell others of Christ and His love for us but if they dont want to hear and receive it, then part ways and show them from a distance what God is about. otherwise u may hinder urself..its eay to slip back into the world and not even realize u have Expand

Sep 17

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 10:1 NASB

when u ask only for forgiveness it is much like a cancer patient goin into remission, the disease no matter how long it takes can come back..not ot say that it will, but it can. but when u r delivered from such disease it can no longer bind u r body and spirit aqnd u r fully healed from its evil and destructive ways Expand

Sep 17

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 10:1 NASB

forgiveness is waiting for u to ask for it. but God wants to do so much more than just forgive He wants to deliver u from ur addiction. whether it be drugs, alcohol, sexual desires, self-destruction, etc. asking forgiveness is the first step the second is deliverance. Expand

Sep 17

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 10:8 NASB

doing the Work of God is not a profit making venture. we should help those who are in need of His help and salvation because He did the same for us.

Sep 17

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 10:1 NASB

addiction to anything such as drugs and alcohol is considered to be a disease. ive been thru treatment and recovery classes and ive had so many say that once an addict always an addict. u may be recovering but ull always be an addict...they are so wrong. Jesus took All our diseases when He dies on the cross. even addiction. i am not a recovering addict but i once had an adiction and thru Christs stripes that He bore on the cross I am healed. my disease no longer lives within me. Expand

Sep 17

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 9:33 NASB

here again we see that demons must be cast out to be able to be freed from the torment they have us this case it is a mute man, they (spirits) held his tongue in bondage) until they were rebuked by His authority. Expand

Sep 16

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 8:32 NASB

Christ gave us the authority to name every name and call it out. His people do not take the time nor the effort to rebuke the devil and his demons even in their everyday life like they should. an addict has been controlled by a spirit usually more than one, and it has a hold on their spirit and is able to control the desire for drugs and such. i know this because i was an addict. but by His grace and stripes i am delivered from the demon that held me in bondage of drugs. but it took more than just asking for forgiveness of being an addict i had to be delivered from that evil spirit that had control over me. Expand

Sep 16

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Wendy Messina

wrote a note on Matthew 9:22 NASB

having the faith to know ur healing is at the tip of His this case the hem of His garment...He is the greatest physician and His healings should be marveled and sought after..yet so many pray Lord, heal me yet they dont believe they r healed when they confess with their mouth i have such and such disease, when they should reply my Lord has healed me from such disease. Expand

Sep 16