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Joanna Rodney

Joanna Rodney's Notes

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on John 5:5 KJV

12/14/2014 MCBC Crawling days-38 years. 1: Disappointing days - many have had to crawl because of health issues. Financial issues have caused crawling, relationships, partners, families loss causing crawling, struggles I our spiritual lives, every level another devil, causes us to struggle. Schools, peers, teachers, employers, employees dislike because you represent Christ. 2. Disappointing people - people will disappoint you, someone will say something negative about you, people will dispose you because of your relationship with God. 3. Don't disappoint God - people, situations, circumstance will make you cry but if you fall, crawl, get up on to your feet and ask God to hive you the strength, faith and endurance to finish your race. Expand

Dec 14

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Hosea 3:3 KJV

11/30/2014 MCBC a Sermon Backsliding is worse than it was before. When we look at her we see her husband. When others look at us it's because of Jesus why we are who we are. I was a wretch and he saw the best in me. We consecrated our minds and God sanctified us. He does it because he is the only holy one. He pours himself into us so that he can be a part of him and he us. Love someone because of what's inside of you not what's inside of them. Expand

Nov 30

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Hosea 3:2 KJV

11/30/2014 MCBC sermon Free will love. God is seeking to manifest who he is throughout this universe. He wants to spread his wisdom, glory and who he is

Nov 30

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Hosea 3:1 KJV

11/30/2014 MCBC Free will love Unconditional love. Gods expectation from us when it comes to expressing love. True love is only expressed when it comes from someone's own will. 1. God- created the opportunity for evil. The recipe, the ingredients 2. The devil mixed the ingredients 3. Adam implement it. When God created the devil, he put the opportunity for evil knowing that Adam would disobey. Expand

Nov 30

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Thessalonians 5:24 KJV

11/23/2014 MCBC pre service God has a purpose God has a plan Gods promise is that he will accomplish his purpose and his promise. Believe in him in who he sent.

Nov 23

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Psalms 19:14 KJV

11/23/2014 MCBC pre service youth Sunday.

Nov 23

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Daniel 3:17 KJV

Flip the script on the Devil glorify The Lord. This is it, I will No longer be defeated but put my trust in The Lord.

Nov 16

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Daniel 3:18 KJV

11/16/2014 MCBC per ell sermon. Even in the midst of the problem believe in gods deliverance.

Nov 16

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Samuel 17:38 KJV

11/16/2014 1- the power of perception. How do you see things? When you find yourself in a hard place. Is the glass half full then you are expecting an overflow. Half empty you have already admitted to a defeat. Delayed but not denied. 2- mind over matter. How do we analyze and process things? Are we allowing our minds to think smaller than gods ability to handle situation? We have to make god bigger than every situation in our lives. Realize where you are and that you can't make it without god in our lives. He knows where you were yesterday, where you are today and where you will be tomorrow . 3- bow or believe. Will you bow to your issues or will you believe in God. Do you believe that god will deliver you? Expand

Nov 16

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 Samuel 17:37 KJV

MCBC 11/16/2014 minister of music Mernell sermon. This is it is the title I refuse to be defected.I refused to say that my sickness cannot be healed, this is it. God has more power than any circumstances. Don't allow the devil to intimidate you so that you do not see that The Lord is protecting you. The devil only stays where he feels welcome. The enemy cannot stand the name of Jesus. God must be attached in every part of our lives. Expand

Nov 16

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 John 1:1 KJV

MCBC11/09/2014 message.

Nov 9

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 John 1:2 KJV

11/09/2014 MCBC message new member ceremony.

Nov 9

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Romans 5:8 KJV

MCBC 11/09/14

Nov 9

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Romans 5:9 KJV

11/09/2014 MCBC

Nov 9

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 John 5:6 KJV

Point 2. God created he world, Jesus saved the world, and the Holy Spirit keeps the world. The three on earth agree to fulfill their purpose of God. The spirit is the only one that can witness what is going on in heaven and on earth. On earth the spirit, water and the blood witness that Jesus Christ is on earth. The blood-there was only two people that walked the earth that had the blood that can save or condemned the world. The devil and Adam. Adams sin destroyed. the human race. Romans 8 vs. 16. Expand

Nov 9

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on 1 John 5:5 KJV

MCBC 11/09/2014 How do we fit into the equation of the three in one. The father the Holy Spirit and the son. One in three-three that bear witness. Father ,son and Holy Spirit. Oneness is one God who manifest himself in the three forms. God create man in his image, he then gave his son to save man and sent the Holy Spirit to solidify. The spirit, the blood and the water all are representative of the one god. Expand

Nov 9

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Jeremiah 25:5 KJV

You can't go back but you can start where you are. Gods promises 1- I won't harm you. 2- When you need me call me. 3- When you seek me with your whole heart, you will find me.

Nov 2

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Jeremiah 25:10-11 KJV

Even after 70 years Gods opinion of them had not change. God's opinion will not change in matter what happens. I'm interested in the plans that god has for me. I am not in captivity, because I love god and. I want to experience what it is like to be with him every day. I do not want to know what it is like to be without god. When you are in captivity God still has his eyes and hand on you. God knows all the plans and they are not predicated on what anyone say or what they do. Expand

Nov 2

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Jeremiah 25:3 KJV

The word that came to Jeremiah, who had been talking to them for 23 years, The Lord had sent others to tell them but they would not listen. Gods opinion is something special and the only thing that is blocking the blessing is you. Expand

Nov 2

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Joanna Rodney

wrote a note on Jeremiah 25:2 KJV

God came to give us life in abundance.

Nov 2