Swiller75's Notes

wrote a note on Philippians 1:1-13 ESV
Three keys while in Prison/ Pandemic 1) form the right partnerships 2 Cor 6:14 - take a list and be careful with the groups in your life - friend groups, church group, home, life, work Holy Spirit, are there partnerships I need to prune or preserve? 2) Pray with passion - when we are moved with passion, God is moved - We are designed to live passionate for something - Passion is enthusiasm and endurance Do I need to peruse greater enthusiasm in my prayer life or greater endurance? - if you’re not praying, you’re losing heart. 3) Let perseverance work Rom 3:5 Holy Spirit, are you trying Ron change or my circumstances? Paul didn’t pray for God to change his circumstance. The gospel was being passed along. … Expand
Aug 9

wrote a note on Matthew 4:1-3 ESV
Pray Like Jesus. Pastor Kris “THE TEMPTATION OF JESUS” Temptations: 1) Self Satisfaction 2) Self Protection 3) self Exaltation
Jul 14

wrote a note on 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 ESV
PRAY LIKE JESUS. Kris D “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” The flesh-areas is our lives that we struggle to give over to the kingdom 1) your kingdom come in me - burn out of my life the flesh, the areas I struggle with. Mark 1:15 2)Your kingdom come in the world 5:18-19 - when we pray “Your kingdom come,” we are praying for the kingdom to come into us and into the world 3) Your kingdom come through me - Make me an ambassador Romans 10:14-15 Christ sends followers Followers proclaim People hear Hearers believe Believers call Callers are saved Jesus will return when every NATION hears the gospel … Expand
Jun 23

wrote a note on Matthew 6:5-13 ESV
PRAY LIKE JESUS - Kris Dohlberry FOUNDATION OF PRAYER Before Jesus told the disciples how to pray, he told them how NOT to pray -Verse 7: Empty=cold, hallow, mechanical; Many-other translations say anxious -Verse 5: Hypocrites=a performer. Someone who would perform in a way to get an applause John 1:12-Becoming a child of God FUNDAMENTALS OF PRAYER HALLOWED be thy name. Hallowed=sanctify. We are calling God into action. Your kingdom come: KINGDOM Our daily bread: PROVISION Forgive our debts: FORGIVENESS Lead us: DIRECTION Deliver us: PROTECTION Framework for our prayers. Don’t have to say Lord’s Prayer but use it as a guide. … Expand
Jun 16

wrote a note on Hebrews 12:1-2 ESV
Guest speaker Kevin Q - Crosspoint church Running a marathon analogy The enemy attacks us when we are by ourselves What are things slowing us down in our spiritual race? We need to encourage people everyday. Hebrews 13 … Expand
Jun 9

wrote a note on Ephesians 2:1-9 ESV
Bridge Students. Brian Gangwish How do I know I’m saved? 1. You hate your sin. Hate winning against the holy God - if we are saved, why do we still continue to sin? A. Sin is fun. B. We don’t truly understand who we sin against C. It’s us not believing the Gospel. We reject the Gospel - When we sin we bow at the seat of Satan. Satan can only give us death. Jesus gives us life abundantly 2. You realize you can never save yourself We need the faith from God to believe. We are dead people. God chose us. It’s not about how great my sin is, it’s about how great HIS love is. 3. You treasure Christ Jesus is the gift of God. … Expand
Jun 5

wrote a note on Hebrews 9:27-28 ESV
FEAR OF DEATH Pastor Kris 1. You have an appointment with death Psalms 139:16 James 4:15-16 Matthew 10:29 2. You have an appearance after death After death, there will be judgement - the great white throne judgement - those who have not placed their faith in Jesus - eternal separation from God - revelation 20 - the judgement seat of Christ - for believers, followers of Jesus. 2 Cor 5:10 - a place where we will receive rewards for the way we lived out the Gospel As a Christian person, we will see the judgement seat of Christ, not the great white throne judgement 3. You have an offer before death … Expand
May 19

wrote a note on Isaiah 6:1-13 ESV
Fear of...GOD - Brandon Should we be scared of God? 1. When we expect God’s wrath, God is scary - Isaiah says he didn’t measure up and he should exist anymore. Why? Because he was a sinner Romans 1:18 (Wrath of God) 2 - When we experience God’s love, nothing is scary - Niote: - Seraphim means burning ones - reference to the 6 winged angels - Holy means sacred and distinct 1 Thesalonians 5:9-10 … Expand
May 5

wrote a note on 1 Kings 19:3 ESV
Fear of...Losing Control Ch 3- Chris 2 Timothy 7 1. Fear will keep you from experiencing God’s best 2. Fear weighs you down Proverbs 12:25 3. Fear reveals disordered delights How to deal with fears 1 2. When you’re fearful, remember God is faithful … Expand
Apr 28

wrote a note on Colossians 3:1-18 ESV
Game Changer Pastor Brandon Verses 1-4, 12-18 IN THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY... 1. JESUS IS THE RULER -Wives don’t belong to husbands, husbands don’t belong to wives but both belong to JESUS 2. JESUS IS THE ROLE MODEL - we can let Christ’s death decide how we live - verse 13 - if someone needs forgiveness, forgive them The CROSS is where conflicts go to die. Put the cross between us and you don’t see your wife anymore, you see Gods daughter. 3. JESUS IS THE REWARD - we who have an incredible relationship with Jesus have everything we need … Expand
Apr 14

wrote a note on Colossians 4:2-6 ESV
Game changer Chris Dohlberry Col written by Paul in prison. He’s asking for prayers to spread the gospel but also to remind us to do the same. - we are all called to share the gospel relationally WE HAVE A HARD TIME SHARING OUR FAITH. Why? 1. Don’t know what to say 2. Don’t want to be too pushy -Paul gives thoughts on how to share your faith B Begin with prayer L Listen for brokenness, darkness E Eat with them - very practical way to be able to listen. See story of Zacheus S Serve them S Story - Share your story how Jesus has impacted your life … Expand
Apr 7

wrote a note on Colossians 2:8 ESV
Game Changer Chris Dohlberry *Who do I think I am?* We look in, our and up for the answer. -Looking IN - Paul says don’t look in. Looking in will explain us but it won’t DEFINE us. It doesn’t work -Looking OUT- you need something more than an external marker to define yourself -circumcision, a spouse, kids, work - Looking UP- A durable core-The only identity that won’t bury us is the durable core of Jesus. IN CHRIST (or IN HIM) the most used phrase by Paul (216 times) 1 Cor 15:21-22 You are either IN ADAM (in Sin) or IN CHRIST. … Expand
Mar 31

wrote a note on Colossians 1:15-16 ESV
Game Changer - Chris Dolhberry Paul’s answer to the question Jesus asked the disciples “Who do you think I am? Matthew * JESUS IS FULLY GOD -He’s the image of the father, the full representation of God. * JESUS IS THE SUSTAINER OF THE COSMOS - Jesus holds everything together. When you feel like your life is falling apart, your marriage, finances, give it to Jesus. He will hold it together. What are we not trusting Jesus with? *JESUS IS THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH - A church should be ran by Jesus, not by the elders, pastors, etc. * JESUS IS THE LIVING SAVIOR - firstborn - Jesus is the firstborn of the dead … Expand
Mar 24

wrote a note on Exodus 14:1-2 ESV
Young Communicators Sunday. Charlie George EXODUS 14:1-4, 11-12 1 Cor 10:13 In the trap, there is a plan - God will take us the best way, not our way. May not be the shortest way Exodus 11-12 - God says I have a better promise for you if you listen Ch 21-22 -God wants to look back to see what he has done so we can trust what he will do Ch 23 - the enemy is coming after us. Ch 28 - what you just went through isn’t meant to kill you, it is meant to kill the enemy. … Expand
Mar 17

wrote a note on Luke 12:16-19 ESV
Upside down kingdom See also Matt 6:24 What we think money can provide 1. Security 2. Satisfaction Ecclesiastes 5:10 3. Significance Matthew 6:22-23
Mar 10

wrote a note on Luke 18:10-14 ESV
Upside Down Kingdom - Pastor Kris Dohlberry See also Matthew 5:5 Pharisee and tax collector The Pharisee - Sin of Pride Pride manifests itself in our lives 1. Self reliance “I don’t need you” - Pride will say I’m always right. Keep people away 2. Critical Spirit “I’m better than you” - comparison and insecurities both have their root in pride 3. Superior Spirituality “I’m good enough” -Pharisee saw himself as the gift to God, not a gift from God Ancient times only women would beat their breast in a time of mourning. Men would not. Tax collector was mourning in his heart. Come before God with open and empty hands to be exalted. Humble yourself. Philippians … Expand
Mar 3

wrote a note on Matthew 16:24-25 ESV
UPSIDE DOWN KINGDOM - Pastor Brandon 2.24.19 The way to life and joy is the throughdenial. 1 Jesus tells us to deny ourselves, knowing we can never satisfy ourselves 4 FOUNDATIONAL DESIRES - POWER - desire to be respected, followed, recognized - CONTROL - desire to have everything according to our plan - COMFORT - desire for pleasure - APPROVED - desire to be accepted 2 Jesus tell us to follow him to find everything we need - Following our hearts leads to death; following Jesus leads to life and abundance Galatians 2:20 DENY YOURSELF. YOU GET IT ALL WITH JESUS! … Expand
Feb 24

wrote a note on Ephesians 6:10-18 ESV
Pastor Brandon We have the opportunity for supernatural satisfaction 1. We are made for friendship with God. The enemy is scheming against that. Are we friends with God? (Adam & Eve) 2. We have the opposition of a supernatural being 6:11-12 - Satan wants to steer our hearts away from the presence of God. he will use our natural occurrences to place lies in our head. God is proud of us. He sees the finished work Jesus died on the cross for. 3. We have the obligation to understand this supernatural victory. 6:13-18 - winning is not our responsibility. God has done that already We put on the armor that isn’t ours to remember that He already won the battle we didn’t have to fight. … Expand
Jan 20

wrote a note on Matthew 28:18-20 ESV
Brandon Matthew 28:18-20 1)The message of the mission of Jesus 2) The master of our mission is Jesus - Jesus has been given authority from the heavens - Storms and demons obey the commands of Jesus. We are to obey the commands of Jesus to go teach the commands of God 3) The motivation for the mission is Jesus - the presence of Jesus is what moves us to the mission. He is with us always. … Expand
Dec 16

wrote a note on Matthew 1:20-25 ESV
Carols - Emmanuel Pastor Josh Matthew 1:20-25 -What does it mean to say God is with us in Jesus’ presence? -Jesus was God in the flesh. 100% flesh and 100% God Why? To Relate: So we can know God personally. He came as a man so he can relate to us To Reveal:Commandment 2-don’t make an image of God. Why? Because God was going to send his image to us-Jesus. If you want to know what God is like, just look at Jesus To Redeem: The reason God came to earth was to die for us. 2 Corinthians 5 … Expand
Dec 2