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Barbara Kalb

Barbara Kalb's Highlights

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:148 NASB

My eyes anticipate the anight watches, That I may bmeditate on Your word.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:140 NASB

Your aword is very pure, Therefore Your servant bloves it.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:133 NASB

Establish my afootsteps in Your word, And do not let any iniquity bhave dominion over me.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:130 NASB

The aunfolding of Your words gives light; It gives bunderstanding to the simple.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:127 NASB

Therefore I alove Your commandments Above gold, yes, above fine gold.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:124 NASB

Deal with Your servant aaccording to Your lovingkindness And bteach me Your statutes.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:116 NASB

aSustain me according to Your word, that I may live; And bdo not let me be ashamed of my hope.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:114 NASB

You are my ahiding place and my bshield; I cwait for Your word.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:111 NASB

I have ainherited Your testimonies forever, For they are the bjoy of my heart.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:96 NASB

I have seen a limit to all perfection; Your commandment is exceedingly broad.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:92 NASB

If Your law had not been my adelight, Then I would have perished bin my affliction.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:80 NASB

May my heart be ablameless in Your statutes, So that I will not bbe ashamed.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:77 NASB

May aYour compassion come to me that I may live, For Your law is my bdelight.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:75 NASB

I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are arighteous, And that bin faithfulness You have afflicted me.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:69 NASB

The arrogant have aforged a lie against me; With all my heart I will bobserve Your precepts.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:66 NASB

Teach me good adiscernment and knowledge, For I believe in Your commandments.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:63 NASB

I am a acompanion of all those who fear You, And of those who keep Your precepts.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:58 NASB

I asought Your favor bwith all my heart; cBe gracious to me daccording to Your word.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:56 NASB

This has become mine, That I aobserve Your precepts.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:45 NASB

And I will awalk at liberty, For I bseek Your precepts.

May 3