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Barbara Kalb

Barbara Kalb's Highlights

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:42 NASB

So I will have an aanswer for him who breproaches me, For I trust in Your word.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:34 NASB

aGive me understanding, that I may bobserve Your law And keep it cwith all my heart.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:32 NASB

I shall run the way of Your commandments, For You will aenlarge my heart.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:27 NASB

Make me understand the way of Your precepts, So I will ameditate on Your wonders.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:24 NASB

Your testimonies also are my adelight; They are my counselors.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:20 NASB

My soul is crushed awith longing After Your ordinances at all times.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:16 NASB

I shall adelight in Your statutes; I shall bnot forget Your word.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:9 NASB

How can a young man keep his way pure? By akeeping it according to Your word.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 119:1 NASB

How blessed are those whose way is ablameless, Who bwalk in the law of the Lord.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 118:22-23 NASB

The astone which the builders rejected Has become the chief corner stone.This is the Lord'S doing; It is marvelous in our eyes.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 118:17 NASB

I awill not die, but live, And btell of the works of the Lord.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 118:14 NASB

aThe Lord is my strength and song, And He has become bmy salvation.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 118:8 NASB

It is abetter to take refuge in the Lord Than to trust in man.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 118:5 NASB

From my adistress I called upon the Lord; The Lord answered me and bset me in a large place.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 112:5-8 NASB

It is well with the man who ais gracious and lends; He will maintain his cause in judgment.For he will anever be shaken; The brighteous will be remembered forever.He will not fear aevil tidings; His bheart is steadfast, ctrusting in the Lord.His aheart is upheld, he bwill not fear, Until he clooks with satisfaction on his adversaries.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 112:1 NASB

Praise the Lord! How ablessed is the man who fears the Lord, Who greatly bdelights in His commandments.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 111:10 NASB

The afear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A bgood understanding have all those who do His commandments; His cpraise endures forever.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 109:26-28 NASB

aHelp me, O Lord my God; Save me according to Your lovingkindness.And let them aknow that this is Your hand; You, Lord, have done it.aLet them curse, but You bless; When they arise, they shall be ashamed, But Your bservant shall be glad.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 109:16-18 NASB

Because he did not remember to show lovingkindness, But persecuted the aafflicted and needy man, And the bdespondent in heart, to cput them to death.He also loved cursing, so ait came to him; And he did not delight in blessing, so it was far from him.But he aclothed himself with cursing as with his garment, And it bentered into his body like water And like oil into his bones.

May 3

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Barbara Kalb

highlighted Psalms 109:4 NASB

In return afor my love they act as my accusers; But bI am in prayer.

May 3