Janicedianeb's Notes

wrote a note on 2 Peter 1:12 NASB
1 peter 1:12 -13 reminds us repeat the things that encourage us in the words. 1jn2:21. It's how well we know what we know and the depth of that. We loose it, if we don't use it. Phil 3:1 Paul wants to stir us up our spirit. Heb 10:24-25 stimulate us. We limit ourselves in what god wants for us. Iive and not accepting less. Want more and get all He has from you Key: truth that Jesus is who he says he is. Victorious unto death. Vs16 -17 11 Tim 4:3-4 Vs19-- so and made not original text. We place our faith in the word of God. Luke 12:35 keep your lamps lit., because this world is dark. The word keeps us bright and no darkness can overcome us. Vs 20-- all of the bible is the word of God. 11tim 3:16-17 all scripture is inspired by God, … Expand
Jan 5

wrote a note on 1 Peter 5:10-11 NASB
Vs10 after we suffer he comes and strengths me for the battle.
Dec 15

wrote a note on 1 Peter 5:7 NASB
Vs.7 Casting all our cares on him.Luke 19:35 don't need to take it back or check on it again. 40% we can't change them. Trust God. Surrender is being helpless. Pas.55:22 he will sustain me. We have to humble and trust The Lord. Believe God will be big enough to handle it. Vs.8 Be on the alert from the devil. Demonic forces are real. Hen.2:14-15 Jesus stepped out of leaven to make the enemy powerless. Col.2:15 James4:7 resist the devil and he will flee from us.Ephs10:6 Battle in front of us. Isa52:12 God has my back Vs10 we will surfer for a time, but after a little while the eternal is forever.God is our personal trainer. He will establish the workout and makes us stable.strengthen us to be more. His strength in us. The foundation. … Expand
Dec 15

wrote a note on 1 Peter 5:9 NASB
Vs1-4 speaks to elders and leaders of the church. He uses the imperfect to be leaders. Humility is what is required. We are all called to be disciples To others. Be the example. Vs.5. Follow the leaders in humility. Place yourselves under the authority of theses are over us. Cloth yourselves with humility one to another. Jesus is the example by washing the disciples feet. Application of the action. God gives grace to the humble., but opposed to the proud. Vs.6 under the mighty hand of God, completely subject to what he has for me; satisfied. He will exalt and lift us up. Honor and happiness. This happens at the proper time,opportune time. It happens when we can handle this. … Expand
Dec 15

wrote a note on Matthew 1:13 NASB
Vs. 1 messiah from Jewish. Isa. 16:5 prophesies Vs.23 birth of Jesus .. God with us. Gen. 3:15 seed of a woman giving birth as a virgin. Isa.7:14 Immanuel Isa. 9:6 child is born, Matt.2:2-5a. Bethlehem is the place of Jesus birth Micah 5:2. King Matt.2:2 king of the Jews thousands of years earlier. Gen.49:10 eternal King Matt.2:11 gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh Isa.60:6 Matt.2:16-17a Jere.31:15 weeping for children Ex.13:2 every firstborn male. Gen17:10-11 circumcision is covent between god and you. John 10:-22-24 dedication at Jerusalem. Festival of Lights. Light of the world is Jesus. … Expand
Dec 8

wrote a note on 1 Peter 4:18 NASB
God uses tools to refine, a spring cleaning of our souks. Renders steadfast faith and reveals false faith in the unbeliever. We will wither if our faith isn't real. Strength or exposed. Discipline of Giod prov. 13: 11-12 Gods always had a purpose for his discipline. Yields the peace., fruits of righteousness. Vs17-18 believer and non-believer. Life I'd hard, then eternity. As believers this is as bad as it gets, waiting for the glory. Vs19. Entrust your life to the one God the creator of the universe. We make a deposit into eternity. Phil 4:6-7 make our request made to Gid. … Expand
Dec 1

wrote a note on 1 Peter 4:19 NASB
1 Peter 4:12 Do not be discouraged when trails come. We are dearly loved by God. Rom. 8:37-39 nothing can separate us from the love of God. Don't be caught off guard for the trails. Jesus has overcome the world. These are for our testing of faith. Things come out I us, that can change, 1kings 13. Refines our character.. 1corth. 10:13 God provides an escape for us to be changed. He is in control. Caused or allowed by God to refine us. V13-14. Rejoice in our suffering. James1:2-4 we come changed different, embrace it.suffering allows us joy. What breaks our hearts, Trails allow us to come to the end of ourselves. Matt. Blessed are the ones broken and mourn. We will be comforted in our weakened state. Phil. 4:13 we an do all things in . … Expand
Dec 1

wrote a note on 1 Peter 3:9 ESV
Love,bless, and pray. God gives mercy and grace. Get blessings for giving blessings. Ps. 34: watch over our . Vs 11: turn away from evil and do good. Pursue peace. Vs 12.. Eyes of The Lord he sees us righteous, his not ours. He looks out for us. We need ur Shepard to watch out for us. He knows what is best for us. … Expand
Nov 10

wrote a note on 1 Peter 3:10-14 ESV
Jn10:10 life abundantly. Joy of life not wealth. Vs 8 all of us(Christians ) believers, Gods people. Attitude harmonious, unity of mind, cooperation, stay firm on Gods word. Flexibility with others in churches. United in purpose phil 2:2 1 corth. 12 unitity of the body of Christ with mind of Christ. Suffering: being close enough with one another to have it. Loving brotherly love..family together. Kindhearted.. Generous from your depth of our being. Ephe. 4:32 forgiveness for each other's. Humble.. In our spirit.. Understanding who we are... Sinners Paul confessed he is a sinner, one of the worst. Vs 9. Do not respond in a evil attitude. Not justice for us. No insults. Called to a higher calling, give a blessing in return. Love, bless, and … Expand
Nov 10

wrote a note on 1 Peter 2:10 ESV
Vs23. Keep your behavior godly. Keep entrusting himself. Vs24-25 die to sin and live to righteous . We are healed because he bore our sins. Holy Spirit convicts us.
Oct 27

wrote a note on 1 Peter 2:22 ESV
Ongoing battle against the flesh. Gla.5:16 walk by spirit and the desire will not be the issue Deeds of flesh are within us. These become idols for us. Will not inherit the the kingdom of God. Vs. 22 fruit of the spirit, live by the spirit. Self-control, rely on the Holy Spirit . Abstain from sin, turn from it. It affects our ministry. Can't be a lighting the world. Internal victory, then out spoken to unbelievers. Hebrew.11:8-10 Vs13-14,19 called to live different than the world. Christians submit! To government, masters or people in authority. Vs.3:1 wives submit to their husbands. Vs17 honor all people. By doing that we honor the king. Ephs. 5:11-16 Col.3:22-23 work for The Lord not the world. Be bold Vs21. We have been called. … Expand
Oct 27

wrote a note on 1 Peter 1:8 ESV
Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins. Not compared to others, just our own sinful nature. Iithess2:13-14 Vs.18-21. Ephs1:7 riches of his grace..redemption When are we saved.. Eternity past. By the Holy Spirit when we accept him. By Jesus dying on the cross. I peter1: grace and peace be yours. By the salvation that waits for me. Based on the foreknowledge that God chose me for eternity with God in heaven.cols 1:7 god holds it together. Vs 2 to obey is our job. Faith in Christ along saves us not just obey Love one another and share what we know with others. … Expand
Sep 15

wrote a note on 1 Peter 1:2-6 ESV
The trinity works together for salvation. Ephs. 1:3 -5 this happened in pre-eternity past. Embrace the beauty of this. Isa. 55:9 his ways and thoughts are far more greater than ours. Jn. 6:37 open inviting to come to Jesus. God gives us free will and chose him from the past and exercise our free will. God chose me. Ephes.2:9 can't boast Rom 11: 33-36 all his glory Rom3:11 none who does good. Election does not mean that I was chosen for eternity. Man was not lost by election. Gods heart 11peter 3:9 1tim2:3-4 all are chosen, but who will chose God. God ordains the end. We come to the bottom of our sin, we choose. 1Pet 1:23.born again by accepting the word of the living God. rom 10:14 hearing by the word and believe the word and … Expand
Sep 15

wrote a note on Philippians 2:14 NASB
Vs. 15 Prove ourselves to be children of God. Christians are not tolerant end. Let our light shine, don't let evil dim it. Walk close to God. Vs. 14. Live heavenly. Vs. 3. Do nothing from selfish ambitions. We have to accept where God wants us to go. Gods way is the best!! Be humble and let others be more important than me. Serve others. Self sacrifice is the only way to think of others as more important. 1. Jesus is one that serves others. 2. Timothy put others first. Acts15-16 … Expand
Sep 1

wrote a note on Philippians 1:3-10 NASB
Vs. 6 god is going to continue the good work in me
Sep 1