Janicedb's Notes
wrote a note on Matthew 6:19 NLT
Vs. the Lord's Prayer. Lord teach us to pray. Our father which is heaven.. Who he is and where he is. We have direct access to God our father. We are a part of a great big family. focus on others as well. Gal. 4:4-6 we have been adopted into the family of God. He knows and has access to what we need. He knows everything about me under control. Hollowed be thy name.. Holy character and all powerful. Phil.2:9-11 every tongue will confess He is Lord. Holy is your name. Be still and know that I am God. Vs.10 your kingdom come thy will be done. He will come again. Rev.11:15 he will reign forever and ever. He will make everything right. Psa.143:10 this prayer lines us up with His will. Phil.4:6 let our request be known to God. … Expand
Mar 15
God test our faith by trials. If we don't exercise it it will die. Love like the Holy Spirit loves. We operate in extremes, actions cause us to be fearful. Holy Spirit's powers in the church. Acting out of what Jesus is about. Preached to the Gentiles. Willing to be willing prayer, to make the changes in me that I need. I want to a powerhouse for God. Acts1:1-5 Jn. 21:25. Promise of the Holy Spirit to come. Baptisms of the Holy Spirit. Transformation that takes place. Are you different now., you are changed. A union with him. The evidence is that we're all into the Lord. Can I say that I'm a changed woman , because God. … Expand
Mar 8
wrote a note on Matthew 6:19 ESV
Matt.7:7 ask, seek,knock and God will answer. Repeat our prayers. Weighted prayers are as good as the length. To get Gods will to line up with his. Change up my heart to line up with yours. He knows our needs before we ask. He's never to busy. Heb.4:16 Matt.14:23 Jesus prayed. Mark1:34 prayed while it was dark. Seek him before your day starts. Luke15:16 don't be to busy to pray. Journal when the lord speaks to me. Vs.9 -15 Lord's Prayer -- focus on others in our prayers. Vs.16 fasting .. Not to eat Wrong reasons.. Not to gain Gods approval,obligation,for others to see it. Set aside food and time the seek the lord over a need. Not to impress God. Centurion had faith to believe Jesus could just speak the word and it would be done. Impressed. … Expand
Feb 22
wrote a note on Matthew 6:1-18 ESV
Sermon on the mound. Jesus eyes were on the multitude and to teach them his truths. It's a matter of our hearts. 3 characters giving, praying, fasting. Joyful response to a loving father. Rom.8 not out of fear, we have a spirit of adoption with our father. 2 Tim 4;7-8 matter of the heart. Vs.1-4 principle is when we do good things, don't do it to draw attention to yourself. Matt 5:16 glorify your father in what we're doing. Created works that we in our calling of God would do.do not put on a mask of righteousness. Do it as an act of glory to God. Luke 6:38 look for a blessing not to receive. Blessing that God would use us. Vs5. Praying for attention of others to see us praying. Hippocrates Corporate prayer is a blessing. … Expand
Feb 22
wrote a note on Philippians 2:26 ESV
2corth12:9 I our selves we are desparate to work our our salvation.
Feb 15
wrote a note on Matthew 5:31 ESV
Vs.31 Jesus changed in the fact of divorce, Examine my heart and change me.die to our selves. Vs. 33 as followers of Christ speak with truth. God is our witness to everything we say. Vs.38 the law was given to the courts. Limit restitution. 1 Peter 3: 8-9 concern for others. Vs.43 do not take vengeance on your neighbor. Love our enemies. Agape love is a choice to love everyone. Vs. Therefore you be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect and give Her m the glory. … Expand
Feb 15
wrote a note on Matthew 5:27 ESV
Vs.27 symptoms are treated and purity goes beyond. Our thought go past the temptation. Be do not be deceived. Deal with it radically. It all in our heart to control. Rom.8 put the deeds of the flesh to starve it. Phil.4;8 dwell on the good things and replace the bad. … Expand
Feb 15
wrote a note on Matthew 5:3 ESV
Vs. 48 perfection of purpose. Completeness., not sinless. We are followers of Christ and let our light shine. Saving perfection Heb 10:14 we stand perfect in Christ. Maturing perfection sanctification. Hew. 12:1-2! Our hearts desire is intentional purpose. Sin works hard against us. … Expand
Feb 15
wrote a note on Matthew 5:22 ESV
Vs.13-16 you alone are the salt of the earth! The Lord uses us to spread the word. Salt in those days was valuable and so are we. Some paid others in salt. This is a preservative to keep meat from rotting. The body of Christ is the salt of the earth. Antiseptic is another use of healing, but it stings too. Seasoning food and meat; speech is the flavor of our actions. Be transformed by your behavior to prove the difference in the ways of the world. Salt creates a thirst in for water ;living water; the Holy Spirit comes upon them. Salt destroys the ground. We become worthless if we aren't different. We are the light of the world! We reflect the light. Conviction in the light. We can let the world get in the way of our light. Jn 3:19-20 … Expand
Jan 31
wrote a note on Matthew 5:12 ESV
Vs. 1-2 crowds followed and Jesus taught them. Jesus saw the crowd intimately and their sorrows.Compassion for them in there struggles. What it means to be a disciple. Vs.3-11 Be attitudes. Blessed is to be happy. God desires us to be happy. Blessed are the poor in spirit.. Morn to be comforted, deep grief over our sin and in the world. Trails Grief is a path not a Destination. Morn is brokenness.. Jesus is with us. Gentle . Meekness. Power under controlled. Not easily provoked. Matt. 11:29 Jesus is gentle in spirit., but powerful. Rest for your soul. Inherit the earth. Hunger for righteousness. It over takes you in the spirit, not satisfied with just part of it, all of it with a hunger and thirst. 1corth.1:30 … Expand
Jan 25
wrote a note on John 19:19 ESV
John19:1 the surging of Jesus. Jesus felt the second sting of sin, the father turned away. We believe in our hearts that Jesus saved us from our sins. Jesus was mighty that day in victory over death. Even in silence he went through all the suffering no resistance. It's all about the blood of Jesus. … Expand
Jan 18
wrote a note on John 18:40 ESV
John 18:33 no one ever like Jesus. He was the God man. In Him dwells all the God hood. We are complete in Him. Incarnation of God made flesh. Came to save the world from its sins. The cross is the power of salvation.we sin and he still calls us his friend. He has Agage love. … Expand
Jan 18
wrote a note on Matthew 4:8 ESV
Heb.2:14-15 he won the victory. Luke 4:13-30 Jesus said to the disciples.. Follow me.. The Messiah, the one who saves us from our sins. Matt. 16:24 deny to self and taking up my cross and follow me Following Jesus will live to eternal life. Cling to the king. Luke 5:1 follow me.. Not worthy, but he paid for that on the cross. He will qualify us to be ministers of faith. John15:5 can do nothing without him. … Expand
Jan 11
wrote a note on Matthew 4:19 ESV
Vs.1-8. Jesus faced temptation as a man. We must be prepared for what is to come. We can't just wing it. In his following after he was baptized by the spirit. Chpt.3 when we are in the wilderness, get alone with him. Don't be to busy. Fasting..giving up something that is a sacrifice to me and really focus on Jesus. Matt 6:33 temptation cast doubt on God. 2pet1:4 promises of the divine nature. Stay close to God. Vs. 8. Worship the Lord your God. The enemy says we can have it all right now. Can't follow a different path and serve God. Jesus humanity was to relate to us and still remain sinless. Filled with the Holy Spirit to have the power of the word of God. It's about the word of God and live it in our live... Isa.55:11to the word. … Expand
Jan 11
wrote a note on Ephesians 5:22-25 ESV
Vs. 25 husbands love your wives. Body, soul, spirit. Spiritual death was from Adam. Must come back into fellowship with God and repent. We were born a spiritual dead, receiving Christ is reborn in the spirit. Open our hearts to the Lord. Love has to be free. God is the key to our spiritual life.1 Corth Headship of the husband to the wife; like Christ is to the church. Head by servant hood is earned in patience, kindness, love. Role of husband; love your wife..sanctify .. Set apart for godly use. Love cleanses us.. Washing with the word.. What a reward it is.. Do you love your wife like your own body? … Expand
Jan 10
wrote a note on Ephesians 5:17 ESV
We can't have anything come out of us that isn't in us.
Jan 9
wrote a note on Matthew 3:17 ESV
Matt:3:1-3 John was the last of the great prophets of the old test. Vs. 2 repent for the kingdom is at hand. Matt.4:17 repent ( Jesus preached this to) action word to changing of the mind., change in behavior. 1. Confession..admit sin; with brokenness., with meaning from the heart. Sin is against God. 2corth.7:10 sorrow Col.3:5 body dead to sin.,, put on the new self. Leave old life to get to the new life. 2. Kingdom of heaven is at hand.. Rule and reign. Buy back what is his.. 2nd coming. Salvation is here.. Judgement is coming. Preparation take place in my heart. Return to the Lord with all my heart. Joel2:12-13. New creation in Christ. 2chron.7:14 Vs.4 John the Baptist cared about God's message. Many came all over to hear the message.. … Expand
Jan 4
wrote a note on Matthew 1:19 ESV
Vs19. Jesus is the Christ. Savior of all man kinds sin. Rom.1 we are at war because if our sins. Job. 9:28-33 we need a mediator between God and me. Jesus was the ransoms for our sin. Heb.9:15 new covenant and mediator. All who come who are weary and tired and want rest. Rest for my soul, brings peace and rest. Humble yourself and turn to Jesus. Phil.2;5-8 pay the ransom for us. … Expand
Dec 21
wrote a note on Matthew 1:18 ESV
Matt.vs18-25. Birth of Jesus.. Jn.1:1 word was God. Eternal existence is Jesus. He was a miracle birth without an earthy father. Jesus became flesh from the Holy Spirit conception. Virgin birth. Vs.18 Mary was the favored one by God. Mary had the heart of God.the Angels said "the Lord is with you". Even when she will be scorned and ridicule. Mary didn't ask for any concessions, just received it from God's word. Joseph didn't want to disgrace Mary. He was a carpenter and chosen by God. He was a righteous man. Do we allow God into our situation and seek wise counsel. Cause an effect of the situation. Vs.24. Joseph keep Mary as his fiancĂ©,because he was trusting in God. God is with us in all things we face in this life. Trust and obey. … Expand
Dec 21
wrote a note on Matthew 1:8 ESV
Matt. 1:1-3. Eternal life with Jesus Christ. All is fulfilled in the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus. All the world would be blessed. Vs.2. Had to be a descendant of David In the line to Jesus. 15 kings -7 bad ones. Heb.11 hall of fame. 4 women were mentioned. Gla.2:28 God's plan for women. Liberated. Vs17. … Expand
Dec 14