1Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything,
but he is under guardians and managers until the date set by the father.
So also we, while we were children, were held ain bondage under the belemental things of the world.
But when athe fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, bborn of a woman, born cunder the Law,
so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as asons.
Because you are sons, aGod has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "bAbba! Father!"
Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and aif a son, then an heir through God.
However at that time, awhen you did not know God, you were bslaves to cthose which by nature are no gods.
But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be aknown by God, bhow is it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless celemental things, to which you desire to be enslaved all over again?
You aobserve days and months and seasons and years.
I fear for you, that perhaps I have labored over you in vain.
I beg of you, abrethren, bbecome as I am, for I also have become as you are. You have done me no wrong;
but you know that it was because of a bodily illness that I preached the gospel to you the first time;
and that which was a trial to you in my bodily condition you did not despise or loathe, but ayou received me as an angel of God, as bChrist Jesus Himself.
Where then is that sense of blessing you had? For I bear you witness that, if possible, you would have plucked out your eyes and given them to me.
So have I become your enemy aby telling you the truth?
They eagerly seek you, not commendably, but they wish to shut you out so that you will seek them.
But it is good always to be eagerly sought in a commendable manner, and anot only when I am present with you.
aMy children, with whom bI am again in labor until cChrist is formed in you--
but I could wish to be present with you now and to change my tone, for aI am perplexed about you.
Tell me, you who want to be under law, do you not alisten to the law?
For it is written that Abraham had two sons, aone by the bondwoman and bone by the free woman.
But athe son by the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and bthe son by the free woman through the promise.
aThis is allegorically speaking, for these women are two covenants: one proceeding from bMount Sinai bearing children who are to be cslaves; she is Hagar.
Now this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children.
But athe Jerusalem above is free; she is our mother.
For it is written,
1Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything,
but he is under guardians and managers until the date set by the father.
So also we, while we were children, were held ain bondage under the belemental things of the world.
But when athe fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, bborn of a woman, born cunder the Law,
so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as asons.
Because you are sons, aGod has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "bAbba! Father!"
Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and aif a son, then an heir through God.
However at that time, awhen you did not know God, you were bslaves to cthose which by nature are no gods.
But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be aknown by God, bhow is it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless celemental things, to which you desire to be enslaved all over again?
You aobserve days and months and seasons and years.
I fear for you, that perhaps I have labored over you in vain.
I beg of you, abrethren, bbecome as I am, for I also have become as you are. You have done me no wrong;
but you know that it was because of a bodily illness that I preached the gospel to you the first time;
and that which was a trial to you in my bodily condition you did not despise or loathe, but ayou received me as an angel of God, as bChrist Jesus Himself.
Where then is that sense of blessing you had? For I bear you witness that, if possible, you would have plucked out your eyes and given them to me.
So have I become your enemy aby telling you the truth?
They eagerly seek you, not commendably, but they wish to shut you out so that you will seek them.
But it is good always to be eagerly sought in a commendable manner, and anot only when I am present with you.
aMy children, with whom bI am again in labor until cChrist is formed in you--
but I could wish to be present with you now and to change my tone, for aI am perplexed about you.
Tell me, you who want to be under law, do you not alisten to the law?
For it is written that Abraham had two sons, aone by the bondwoman and bone by the free woman.
But athe son by the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and bthe son by the free woman through the promise.
aThis is allegorically speaking, for these women are two covenants: one proceeding from bMount Sinai bearing children who are to be cslaves; she is Hagar.
Now this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children.
But athe Jerusalem above is free; she is our mother.
For it is written,