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SJR's Notes

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wrote a note on Genesis 49:11 KJV

See Revelation 19:13.

Jan 26

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wrote a note on Revelation 5:5 KJV

This is one of only two places in the Bible referring to the Lion of the tribe of Juda. The other is Genesis 49:9.

Jan 26

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wrote a note on Genesis 49:9 KJV

See Revelation 5:5 for the other mention of the lion of the tribe of Judah.

Jan 26

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wrote a note on Genesis 49:10 KJV

"Unto him shall the gathering of the people be" referring to the second coming of Jesus.

Jan 26

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wrote a note on Genesis 49:8 KJV

This is a prophesy about Jesus who's from the tribe of Judah. "Thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies" is spelled out throughout Revelation. "Thy father’s children shall bow down before thee" see especially Revelation 5:6-14. Expand

Jan 26

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wrote a note on Revelation 5:3 KJV

Apparently, there are people in each of these three places even before the rapture and/or the end time events.

Jan 26

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wrote a note on Revelation 4:7 KJV

These four beasts are seraphim. In Isiah 6:2, the seraphim have six wings like they do here and, in Isiah 6:3, they cry "Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts" like they do here as well. These four beasts have faces similar to the "living creatures" in Ezekiel 1:10 except that Ezekiel's "creatures" had four wings and John's "beasts" had six wings. Also, Ezekiel 10:3-9 describe "cherubim" and Ezekiel 10:20 makes it clear that these "cherubim" are the same "living creatures" from Ezekiel 1. Expand

Jan 25

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wrote a note on Isaiah 11:2 KJV

The seven spirits of God are listed. See also Revelation 1:4, Revelation 3:1 and Revelation 4:5.

Jan 25

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wrote a note on Revelation 6:10 KJV

This shows that the first 4 seals haven't been God's judgement on the earth because the martyrs for the cause of Christ are still impatiently waiting for it. God's wrath doesn't begin until after the sun and moon are darkened at the end of the chapter with the 6th seal. The first four seals are the tribulation. Expand

Apr 4

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wrote a note on Revelation 4:4 KJV

Elders are defined in Titus 1:5 as also being bishops in Titus 1:7. He used the word elder and bishop interchangeably. The modern day vernacular is pastor. So, who are these guys? If they are elders / bishops / pastors, that would make them people who have died previously and are currently at the throne as souls. But, they haven't yet received their eternal bodies since the rapture hasn't happened yet. Furthermore, souls can wear "white raiment" as described in Revelation 6:9-11. Expand

Jan 25

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wrote a note on Revelation 15:2 KJV

This is the same multitude from chapter 7 and again in chapter 14 who were just raptured.

Jan 25

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wrote a note on Revelation 14:16 KJV

Verses 14-16 again describe the rapture as first described in Revelation 7:13-14 but this time from a different perspective. Also, note the mention of the cloud. Every time Jesus second coming is written about, clouds are mentioned. In other places it's further described as the sun and moon being darkened and the stars not giving their light. The reaping goes back to the parable that Jesus gives in Matthew 13 where he explains that the harvest is at the end of the world. In it, there were good seed and tares. The good seed was harvested into the barn and the tares were gathered together and burned. Expand

Feb 15

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wrote a note on Revelation 7:14 KJV

The answer to "whence came they" in the previous verse is that they "came out of great tribulation," contrary to the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine. It's also the last time the word tribulation is used in the Bible when, clearly, there's still much wrath yet to come. Expand

Jan 28

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wrote a note on Revelation 7:13 KJV

"Whence came they" implying that they just arrived.

Jan 25

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wrote a note on Revelation 7:9 KJV

"After this" being after the sun and moon were darkened at the end of chapter 6 and the 144,000 were sealed. "A great multitude" being the raptured multitude. This correlates with Matthew 24:29-31 and here in Revelation it happens between the 6th and 7th seals. Expand

Jan 28

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wrote a note on Matthew 24:29 KJV

Clearly, the sun and moon are darkened AFTER the tribulation. See also Revelation 6:12 and Revelation 7:9.

Jan 29

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wrote a note on Revelation 4:2 KJV

Not a verse about the rapture because John was in the spirit. At the rapture, there will be a bodily resurrection of the dead in Christ and we which are alive and remain will be bodily caught up to meet him. We will get a new, eternal body. Not in the spirit. Expand

Jan 25

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wrote a note on Revelation 6:17 KJV

Matthew 24:21 describes the great tribulation. Matthew 24:29 describes the sun and moon darkened AFTER the tribulation of those days. Then, Revelation 6:12 describes the sun and moon darkened, which is the same event as Matthew 24:29. So, in this verse "the great day of his wrath" comes right after the great tribulation. This also demonstrates that the tribulation and the wrath are NOT the same thing. One of them is before the sun and moon are darkened and one of them is after the sun and moon are darkened. Expand

Jan 24

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wrote a note on Revelation 14:7 KJV

"The HOUR of his judgement is come" happens after the tribulation at the hands of the Antichrist as described in chapter 13. See also Revelation 3:10.

Jan 24

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wrote a note on Revelation 3:10 KJV

"I also will keep thee from hour of temptation" is sometimes used to support a pre-tribulation rapture. But, the word "hour" is never used in Revelation to describe the tribulation period, not even symbolically. See Revelation 14:7, Revelation 17:12 and Revelation 18:10,17,19 for all the times "hour" is used. Expand

Jan 24